Oww setup guide

This page describes the entries in the Oww setup files (‘setup’, ‘devices’ and ‘stats’). For normal use you do not need to know anything about this. The information presented here may be of interest if you want to adjust certain aspects of Oww's operation, that are not accessible through the Setup dialogue.

The setup, devices, and stats files use a format with a variable name starting each line, followed by a space and then the value, including any spaces, to be asigned to the named variable. Do not insert white space before the variable name. Any spaces after the first space following the name will be included in the assignment. The explanations are not part of the file.


The setup file specifies general setup parameters. Below is an example from Linux – see also a bare setup text file.

Note that you can now have blank lines, and comment line, starting with ‘#’ or ‘|

For the definitive list of device entries, examine the source file: src/setup.c


debugfile OwwDegub.txt
If a file name is given here, debug information will be written to it – leave it blank in normal use
debuglevel 0
The level of information logged to debugfile – 0 for no information, 1 for the least amount, to 7 for the greatest
  1. None
  2. Fatal only
  3. All errors
  4. All errors and warnings
  5. Debug 0
  6. Debug 1
  7. Debug 2
  8. Debug 3
messagelevel 3
The level of information written to the screen. See above.
interval 5
The update interval, in seconds – a value of ‘0’ causes Oww to exit after a single reading
updatevar OWWUPDATE
RISC OS: The name of the system variable that holds the latest readings
Unix: The name of the file that holds the latest readings
gusttime 300
Interval in centi-seconds between extra wind updates to catch gusts between normal updates (300-cs default)
popup 1
Set to 1 for automatic message window popup
raindaily 0
How do we reset the rain gauge?
  1. Manual reset
  2. Daily reset, at the given hour
  3. Weekly reset, on the given day, at the given hour
  4. Monthly reset, on the given date, at the given hour
rainhour 0
The hour of the day for rain resets
0 – 23
raindate 1
The date in the month for monthly rain resets
1 – 31
rainday 0
The day of the week for weekly rain resets
  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
raintime 976205158
Removed (replaced by stats file entry)
raincount 2037
Removed (replaced by stats file entry)
rainbackreset 1
Reset the rain gauge if its count goes backwards (e.g. dodgy battery)
urllauncher 3
Linux only – sets the URL launcher
  1. mozilla -remote
  2. netscape -remote
  3. kfm
  4. Opera
  5. Galeon
You may set your own URL for the Map menu here. The %f entries will receive the latitude and longitude.
ringcol ffffff eeeeee dddddd cccccc bbbbbb aaaaaa 999999 888888 777777 666666 555555 444444 333333 222222 111111 0
This is the colour palette for the wind vane ring. The entries are hexadecimal - rrggbb. The first entry is for zero counts, and the last is for 15 counts.

Server ports and unix socket names

arneport 8890
The port number to which UDP broadcasts are made in the Arne Henriksen format, for reception by his Windows client program. Set this to 0 to turn off UDP broadcasts.
arnetcpport 0
The port number on which Oww listens for connexions from clients using the Arne Henriksen format. Set this to 0 to turn off this server.
owwtcpport 0
The port number
owwlocalname /tmp/oww_trx_un
The name for the Unix socket on which Oww listens for connexions from clients on the local host using the Oww client / server protocol. Set this blank to turn off this server.
txttcpport 8891
The port number on which Oww listens for connexions from clients using text format. Set this to 0 to turn off this server.
txtname /tmp/oww_txtserve
The name for the Unix socket on which Oww listens for connexions from clients on the local host using text format. Set this blank to turn off this server.
txtform $localtime%d/%m/%y , %H:%M:%S$ , $t1%7.1$,$tunit$ , $wsp%7.2$,$wspunit%5$,$wdrname%10$ ,$wdrdeg%5.1$ ,$wdrpoint%3$ ,$rain%5.2$, $rainunit$
The format string used by the text-format server.

Format strings

displaydate %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S
Format string for date / time display
logfilef /%y%m/%y%m%d.csv
C strftime style format string for daily log file names
logdirf /%y%m
C strftime style format string for daily log directory names
logform $localtime%d/%m/%y , %H:%M:%S$ , $t1%7.1$,$tunit$ , $wsp%7.2$,$wspunit%5$,$wdrname%10$ ,$wdrdeg%5.1$ ,$wdrpoint%3$ ,$rain%5.2$, $rainunit$
String to pass to Oww's parser to generate log entries
logheadf Date Time Temperature Speed Direction
The text written to the first line of every log file
raintform Rain: %%s since %H:%M
Format string for time (today) of last reset
raindform Rain: %%s since %d/%m/%y
Format string for date of last reset
lcdform $localtime%H:%M:%S$ $t1%4.1$°C $wsp%5.1$ mph $wdrname%5$ $rain%5.2$" $rainrate%5.2$"/hr
Format string for LCD output. Set field widths and total length carefully, so that fields stay in the same place, and fit on your display.

Data source

datasource 1
Enumeration giving the type of data source
data_source_none = 0, data_source_local, data_source_remote_oww, data_source_arne, data_source_dallas
  1. None
  2. Local one-wire
  3. Remote Oww server
  4. Remote Arne Henriksens WServer
  5. Dallas (AAG) servlet
owwremote_host myhost
The name of the remote host sending Oww protocol
owwremote_port 8899
The port number of the remote Oww server
arneremote_host localhost
The name of the remote host sending Arne protocol
arneremote_port 8888
The port number of the remote Arne server
dallasremote ED0000000E477312
The ID string of the station to fetch from the Dallas server

Command strings

Command to run after each update, passed to Oww's parser
Command to run after each log line is written, passed to Oww's parser
Command to run before an upload, passed to Oww's parser
Command to run after an upload, passed to Oww's parser

HTTP setup

httpuseproxy 0
Do we go through a proxy?
httpproxy http://a.proxy.somewhere/
URL of http proxy
URL of Dallas servlet
httpdallason 1
Do Dallas uploads?
URL of for The Weather Underground
httpwunduser your_user
User name for The Weather Underground
httpwundpass your_pass
Password for The Weather Underground
httpwundon 1
Do uploads to The Weather Underground?
  1. No uploads
  2. Integrated uploads – every httptime seconds
  3. Fast uploads – every update
URL of for WOW
httpwowid ID
Station ID for WOW
httpwowpin PIN
Station PIN for WOW
httpwowon 1
Do uploads to WOW?
  1. No uploads
  2. Integrated uploads – every httptime seconds
URL of for HAMWeather
httphamuser your_user
User name for HAMWeather
httphampass your_pass
Password for HAMWeather
httphamon 1
Do uploads to HAMWeather?
httptime 30
Time between uploads (s)
httptsnap 0
Snap to clock times?
longitude -2.125501
The longitude (east) of your weather station
latitude 53.251629
The latitude (north) of your weather station
cwopon 0
Set to 1 to enable Citizen Weather uploads
cwopport 23
The TCP/IP port to use for CWOP uploads - normally 23
cwopuser CWxxxx
Your CWOP user ID or Ham radio callsign
cwoppass -1
CWOP password
The name or address of the CWOP server

Display setup

tmin 15.000000
The minimum temperature for the thermometer bulb graphic
tmax 30.000000
The maximum temperature for the thermometer bulb graphic
smax 1024.000000
The maximum value for the solar graphic
mph 1
The unit for wind speeds:
  1. Kilometres per hour
  2. Miles per hour
  3. Metres per second
  4. Knots
fahr 0
‘1’ if the temperature is to be quoted in degrees Fahrenheit, not Celcius
bpunit 0
The unit for barometric pressure:
  1. Milli Bar
  2. Inches of mercury
  3. kPa
  4. Atmospheres
mm 1
‘1’ if the rainfall is to be quoted in millimetres, not inches
anim 0
‘1’ if the graphical weather station is to be animated
reporttrh 0
‘1’ if the 1st RH sensor temperature should be used as the primary thermometer

Wind chill

wctype 1
Wind chill formula:
  1. Steadman
  2. NWS 1992b
  3. New WCT

Heat index

hitype 1
Sultriness formula:
  1. U.S. Heat index
  2. Canadian humidex

Log setup

loginterval 30
The log interval, in seconds
logsnap 0
Set to 1 if the log should be updated according to clock times, e.g. 10:05, 10:10, &c, for a 5-minute log interval.
logtype 2
‘0’ for no logging, ‘1’ for a single log file, or ‘2’ for daily log files
logfile_name /home/sjm/test_log
The location of the single log file
logdir_name /home/sjm/user/oww/glade/daily_test
The location of the directory for daily logs
logvar OwwLogged
RISC OS: The name of the system variable that holds the latest log line
Unix: The name of the file that holds the latest log line
On Linux, this may specify an X font name for the display

Note: To set a string value to the empty string, you must still follow the setup tag with a space character. For example,


This is a bit silly, and I'll get round to fixing it some time.


The devices file specifies 1-wire bus parameters, such as serial numbers, for your weather station. Below is an example from Linux – see also the bare text file. Note that these values will definately not work with your weather station – they are unique to mine!

For the definitive list of device entries, examine the source file: src/setup.c

wv0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The North switch ID
wv1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The NE switch ID
wv2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The East switch ID
wv3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The SE switch ID
wv4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The South switch ID
wv5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The SW switch ID
wv6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The West switch ID
wv7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
The NW switch ID
offset 0
This holds the offset (0 – 15) between north and the direction of the wvo switch
reverse 0
Do we reverse the sense of bearing values (for a flipped-over weather station PCB)?
T1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx10 1.000000 0.000000
The DS1820 thermometer
The calibration slope and offset follow the device ID
T2 to T8 may also be assigned
H1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx26 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
RH sensors
The calibration slopes and offsets for Trh and RH readings follow the device ID
H2 to H8 may also be assigned
BAR1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx26 14.2857 932.1429 1.000000 0.000000
BAR1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx12 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Family 26 devices are for DS2438-based barometers.
Family 12 devices are for AAG TAI-8570 barometers, in which case this should be the reader device.
The calibration slope and offset follow the device ID
BAR2 to BAR8 may also be assigned
tai8570w1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx12
The writer device associated with a TAI-8570 barometer assigned to BAR1. tai8570w2 to tai8570w8 may also be assigned.
SOL1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx26 1.000000 0.000000
A solar sensor. The calibration slope and offset follow the device ID.
SOL2 to SOL4 may also be assigned
BRA xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1F
A branch
BRB to BRI may also be assigned
vane xxxxxxxxxxxxxx12
The wind vane switch
vaneadc xxxxxxxxxxxxxx20
The ADC chip belonging to the wind vane of a Version 3 weather station
anem xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1D 1.000000
The anemometer counter
A calibration values follows the device ID
GPC1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1D 1.000000
A general-purpose counter
A calibration values follows the device ID
GPC2 to GPC8 may also be assigned
lcd1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx29 0
An LCD interface
A single calibration value follows, which gives the interface type: 0=TAI8590, 1=Hobby Boards
lcd2 to lcd4 may also be assigned
rain xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1D
The rain gauge counter
driver /dev/ttyS0
The name of the serial device (RISC OS default is ‘Internal’)
port 0
On RISC OS, the serial device port number
Data sample offset: 3-10us (integer)
Write 1 low time: 5-15us (integer)
ds2490slew -1
DS2490 pull-down slew rate.
ds2490write -1
DS2490 write-1 low time
ds2490samp -1
DS2490 DSOW0 recovery time
Parameter ds2490slew (V/µs) ds2490write (µs) ds2490samp (µs)
-1 default (0.83) default (8) default (3)
0 15 8 3
1 2.2 9 4
2 1.65 10 5
3 1.37 11 6
4 1.10 12 7
5 0.83 13 8
6 0.70 14 9
7 0.55 15 10
recharge 1
Whether to enable the strong pullup after errors reading from a DS2448.
autoalloc 1
Should newly-found one-wire devices be allocated to weather instruments automatically?


The stats file is used by Oww to hold daily statistics. It is usually updated at midnight, unless you turn off this option.

raintimes 980185069 980185069 980185069 980185069 980185069 980185069 980185069 978307200
The Unix time for each reset this week and the reset on the 1st of the month
raincounts 2659 2659 2659 2659 2659 2659 2659 2659
The corresponding rain gauge counter values
gpc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The reset time and reset count for each GPC
tmin 19.623417
The minimum temperature since the last reset
tmax 19.851265
The maximum temperature since the last reset
anemmax 13.141072
The maximum wind speed since the last reset Logo    SUMMARY  · PROJECTS  · SIMON  · MELHUISH.INFO